Theo's behavior is totally unacceptable!

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In this interactive video learning you will go out with Theo. He has been asked by the confidential counselors to investigate undesirable behavior within the company. Together with Theo you tour the company, where he finds himself in different situations and tries to persuade employees to behave undesirably.
Theo ends up in the elevator together with two colleagues. He looks at the female colleague in detail and tries to get the male colleague to flirt. What would you do in such a situation? Flirting might be obvious – that's #notokay. But what about chatting in Teams about another colleague, or putting an arm around someone because her beloved cat has passed away? Is that possible? And how would you respond?
It is becoming increasingly clear: Theo's behavior is really unacceptable. Theo is removed from the building by security guards. Of course, these are 'over-the-top' examples, but they do make it clear what undesirable behavior is and that it is not tolerated in the workplace.
👉 Humor.
👉 In your face.
👉 Tangible.
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