Interactive video

A family dinner... in the lunch room.

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Wrapped in a sitcom jacket, Jumbo's code of conduct comes to life. With recognizable examples that all take place in one setting: the lunch room.

The concept

Together with Jumbo we went back to the company's roots, because it is truly a family business. From this idea the concept 'Meet the Family' was born. Inspired by shows like Friends and Superstore in which all actors have their own role and character.

'Meet the Family' is a training on Jumbo's code of conduct. The training must be appropriate for cashiers in the store as well as for managers from the head office and also for employees in the HUBs. So every part of the family, from young to old, has to be able to recognize themselves in the videos

As a viewer you are completely immersed in the series and you get to know the characters in a short time. Your colleagues experience all kinds of things in the canteen and you witness it. Everything takes place around the table and every now and then the video stops to make you as a participant wonder: “Is this the right behavior?”

Why interactive video?

👉 Collect data.
👉 Tailor made experience.
👉 Movie like experience.

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